Sharnagati ko pada
Hymn to Shri Vallabh
Shri Vallabha charan lagyo chitta mero ! (2)
Oh mind, concentrate on the feet of the Shri Vallabha.
Inna bena aura kachu nahi bhave
Inna charanana ko chero !I like nothing else but the company of Shri Vallabha.
I am his most loyal servant.Shri Vallabha charan lagyo chitta mero !
Oh mind, concentrate on the feet of the Shri Vallabha.
Inna he chhanda aura jo dhyave
Sao murakha jutha anero !Anyone who thinks of things other than the divine company of Shri Vallabha
Must be unique even amongst fools !Shri Vallabha charan lagyo chitta mero !
Oh mind, concentrate on the feet of the Shri Vallabha.
Govindadasa yaha nishchaya kara
Sohe janna bhalero !Having acertained this, Govinda-das says,
KKnowing this fact - viz keep company of Shri Vallabh - is for my own benefit.Shri Vallabha charan lagyo chitta mero !
Oh mind, concentrate on the feet of the Shri Vallabha./p>
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