Once when some bhaktas from Ujjain gathered together and thought, "How can we please Krishna?" someone replied, "Lets go to a great bhakta." So they all proceeded to a bhakta's home and greeted him, "Jai Shri Krishna. Please tell us how we can please Shri Krishna."
The bhakta replied, "Shri Krishna is pleased with seva, with divine service that arises from a pure bhava that is in accordance to the teachings of Shri Mahaprabhuji and Shri Gusainji."
"How do we recognize true seva?
The bhakta explained, "There are four indications. First, bhaktas naturally go to homes where seva is made. The second indication is that Shri Nathji's form fills their hearts with bliss as they reflect, 'Through the grace of Shri Mahaprabhuji and Shri Gusainji, Shri Krishna comes and accepts my water and cooking.' The third sign is that just as they adorn Shri Krishna, so He appears. The fourth way of knowing is that the offerings that are made to Shri Krishna in Shri Mahaprabhuji 's name, have many different divine tastes and the plate of prasada does not diminish. When all this occurs, know that Shri Krishna is pleased with the seva."
Then that bhakta took the other four Vaishnavas to another bhakta's house and after greeting him with Shri Krishna's name he asked, "How can we please Shri Krishna?" That bhakta began to explain, "Shri Krishna is pleased with the bhakta that Shri Svaminiji is pleased with. Then she showers her blessings."
Those five bhaktas then asked him. "How can you tell if Shri Svaminiji is pleased?"
"Know that Shri Svaminiji is pleased when the bhakta's faith becomes firm and there is one-pointed devotion to Shri Mahaprabhuji, Shri Gusainji, Shri Nathji as well as to Shri Svaminiji and other bhaktas. Then know that Shri Krishna has blessed the bhakta. This path is solely Shri Svaminiji's. When She is pleased, Shri Krishna allows the soul entrance into the lila and when that happens, know that Shri Krishna is delighted."
Then the bhaktas considered, "Let's go and visit Krishna Bhatt. He is a great Vaishnava. We will ask him the same question. Let's see what he says."
When they arrived at Krishna Bhatt's house, he was making seva. After offering Shri Krishna His lunch, Krishna Bhatt came out and greeted everyone. "How is it that you have all blessed me by coming here today?"
"We want to know how to please Shri Krishna?"
Krishna Bhatt replied, "You asked this question to other bhaktas, what did they say?"
"One bhakta told us that if we serve Shri Krishna according to the teachings of the Path of Grace, He becomes pleased and grants His experience. Another bhakta explained that when Shri Svaminiji showers her blessings, Shri Krishna is pleased and grants realization."
Krishna Bhatt then remarked, "Both of those explanations are aligned with the teachings, but know that Shri Krishna and Shri Svaminiji are so absorbed in Their own bliss that Their attention does not wander elsewhere. They are perfectly enchanted with Their own lila; lost in each other's forms. But there is one intimate sakhi, a friend of Theirs, who always remains near.
When she is pleased with someone, she sings that bhakta's glories to Them. This pleases the Divine Couple and then they fulfill that bhakta's wishes. "There is yet another Gopi who cares for all the outside arrangement of the lila. She is an attendant of the lila bower and arranges the bed and ornaments. She stands by the door of the lila bower and sings very sweetly. She praises the Divine Couple in various ways. Sometimes she makes divine requests for certain individuals to Shri Svaminiji's intimate Gopi at just the right time. In turn, that Gopi keeps it in her heart and when Shri Krishna and Shri Svaminiji are in a celebatory mood, she reminds them of
that bhakta. Then Shri Krishna becomes pleased with that bhakta." Krishna Bhatt then recited a passage from Shri Gusainji's Vgnapti,
"O friend, you have made many requests for me to touch His feet, but the Lord of Life does not want our union now. I am very distressed, but what can I do?"
It is important to always remain humble before bhaktas who have had His divine experience. Pleasing Shri Mahaprabhuji's and Shri Gusainji's disciples pleases them. In this way Krishna Bhatt enlightened that group of bhaktas and revealed the Path to them. Hearing his words, the Vaishnava's doubts were removed and they became full of bliss. Krishna Bhatt invited them into his temple for darshan and after offering them prasada they all returned home.
Just as a woman who desires a man can arrange the meeting through her female messenger, similarly, in the path of loving devotion, the bhakta who knows God is the messenger for other bhaktas. Know that Krishna is found when we please a bhakta. The Shiksha Patra says.
"The accomplished bhaktas fill the yearning soul with Krishna bhava."
The poet Haridas sings in that mood:
O Friend,
Remind Them of me.
When you find time,
tell Radha and Shri Krishna
all about my condition.
With folded hands, cajole Them.
Tell Them of my distress.
If they display displeasure with me, then
console them with my prayers.
I have been left out of their loving lila
and I am parched.
Asked them for me
"When will I be able to play with Hari"
Sings Haridas, "Arm in arm?"
This was kindly translated by Shyamdas. His numerous books (in English) on Pushti Marg are well worth reading.
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